
Mortgage Brokers: Are They Friends or Foes for Borrowers?

The political debate over how to deal with a surge in defaults on home loans is raising a question that consumers ought to consider: Is my mortgage broker really working for me?

Borrowers often see mortgage brokers as their allies, searching far and wide for just the right home loan at an attractively low price. But many brokers are making it clear they don't see things that way. They are fighting efforts by federal and state politicians to impose a fiduciary duty on them to put their customers' interests first, as lawyers, real-estate agents and financial planners generally are required to do with their clients.

To protect yourself, one strategy is to shop for a home loan directly at a few lenders and then see whether a broker can find a better deal. When choosing a broker, borrowers should ask tough questions first. Among them: In searching for loans, do you feel obliged to put my interests ahead of yours? Exactly how much will you earn on this loan? And how many lenders do you check regularly for rates and terms?lanners generally are required to do with their clients....more...